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Oculoplastic surgery is a term for a number of surgical procedures on the eye and the surrounding areas, which includes the eye socket or eyeball, eyelids and tear ducts.


Some of the conditions we treat are:


Eyelid Malposition

Eyelid Malposition is the abnormal positioning of the eyelids due to various causes.  The most common forms are:



Ptosis is a Greek word meaning downward displacement. In ophthalmology, it refers to a drooping upper eyelid. The eyelid might droop slightly, or it could droop enough to partially or completely cover the pupil (black part of the eye) which can restrict or obscure vision. Ptosis can be inherited. It could affect one or both eyelids, be present at birth, or occur later in life.


Treatment - The main treatment for ptosis is surgery, although there are a few rare disorders that can be treated non-surgically, with medication, or a special device fitted to glasses. Your specialist will advise you of the best form of treatment



Entropian is used to describe the inward turning of the lower eyelid and eyelashes towards the eye. This causes the skin of the eyelid and eyelashes to rub against the cornea, the clear ‘window’ of your eye and the conjunctiva, the membrane that protects the eye causing discomfort


Treatment - There are different surgical approaches to correcting entropion and your specialist will advise you of your options



Ectropian is where the lower eyelid droops away from the eye and turns outwards. It's not usually serious but can be uncomfortable. Ectropion mainly affects the lower eyelid and can occur in one or both eyes.


Treatment - Treatment for ectropion depends on its severity and the underlying cause. Mild cases may not need any treatment.


Watering Eyes

Watering eyes are common and often get better on their own, but treatment may be needed if it affects your daily activities. Watering eyes can be caused by conditions such as an allergy, an infection, blocked tear ducts or entropion or ectropion.



External Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR)

A DCR is an operation to establish free drainage of tears into the nose. The operation involves making a small incision (approximately 1-2 cm), and then removing a tiny piece of bone from the side of your nose to bypass a blockage in the tear drainage system. The lining of the tear drainage system is opened into the nose to create a new passageway. The operation is usually performed under a general anaesthetic or local anaesthetic with sedation.  This procedure is usually performed to help with a “watery eye”



A chalazion, also known as a meibomian cyst, is a common condition affecting your eyelid. It is caused by a blockage of a gland in your eyelid. The cyst (fluid-filled swelling) is usually felt as a small lump on the upper or lower eyelid


Treatment – Your treatment options can be discussed with your specialist


Thyroid Eye Disease (TED)

The thyroid gland is located in the neck and produces a hormone that helps regulate metabolism. Occasionally it can produce too much (hyperthyroid) or too little (hypothyroid) hormone. Imbalance in either direction can cause TED, but occasionally eye disease occurs when the thyroid function is entirely normal. The precise cause of TED remains unknown, but it is an ‘autoimmune’ condition. This is where the body’s normal ‘immune response’ used to fight infections reacts against its own tissues causing damage. It is also called thyroid associated ophthalmopathy, and Graves’ orbitopathy or ophthalmology


Treatment - The management of TED can be quite complex, and treatment is planned on an individual basis which can be discussed with your specialist


Orbital Decompression

An orbital decompression is an operation to remove bone from the walls of the orbit (the eye socket) in order to reduce the amount of protrusion of the eye and is commonly associated with thyroid eye disease. In simple terms, the orbit can be considered as having four walls that support the soft tissues of the eye. Most patients require the partial removal of one or two of the walls of the orbit, but in more severe cases, three walls might be operated upon.


How do I make an appointment?

Your consultant’s secretary will be able to assist you with availability of appointments and costs for your chosen consultant. To find out more about our consultants you can speak to the secretaries on the contact details below or visit




For further information or to book a consultation contact:

Saj Ataullah

Paul Cannon

Aruna Darmasena

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