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Retinal Vein Occlusion
What Is A Retinal Vein Occlusion?
A blockage forming in a retinal vein (retinal vein occlusion) results in obstruction of blood flow, leading to a sudden, painless drop in vision.
The retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye, contains both arteries and veins which carry blood to and from this part of the eye. A blockage in one of the retinal veins can occur causing a reduction in blood flow and bruising of the retina. This results in a sudden loss of part or all of the visual field.
The condition usually occurs in older people, but the risk of retinal vein occlusion is increased by high blood pressure, raised cholesterol, glaucoma, diabetes, smoking, and a number of rare blood clotting disorders.
Affected patients can develop swelling of the central part of the retina (macular oedema) or new fragile blood vessels on the surface of the retina which can cause further bleeding inside the eye.
What can be done?
Controlling any risk factors (see above) will reduce the chances of developing further retinal vein occlusions and also of other vascular problems such as heart attack and stroke.
Laser treatment can be used to treat patients who have developed abnormal new blood vessels on the retina and also some cases of macular oedema.
Injections of anti-VEGF agents such as Lucentis or Eylea can be used to treat macular oedema and reduce the risk of developing abnormal new vessels.
Injections of steroids such as Ozurdex can also be used to treat macular oedema from retinal vein occlusion.
There are a number of emerging new treatments for retinal vein occlusion and numerous ongoing research trials which will result in improved treatments in the years ahead.
What can Consultants in the Private Patient Centre at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital do?
We offer a high quality service in which patients are seen quickly and efficiently. We have access to state of the art instruments to investigate retinal vein occlusion and offer a thorough discussion of the condition including the various management options. We aim to ensure that patients are able to make a truly informed choice regarding their potential treatments.
How do I make an appointment?
Your Consultant’s secretary will be able to assist you with availability and costs for your chosen consultant. You can find their contact details by clicking on the link below or visiting the Consultants section.
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