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Epiretinal Memberane
Epiretinal membrane
What is epiretinal membrane? Epiretinal membrane, also known as macular pucker, is condition where a very thin membrane forms on the surface of the retina, rather like a layer of cling-film. The membrane contracts, and forms wrinkles in the retina.
Is this macular degeneration?
No, epiretinal membrane is a different condition from age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
Why does epiretinal membrane occur?
Epiretinal membranes (ERM) can form for no reason. However in some cases they may be associated with a retinal tear or previous treatment for retinal detachment, laser or cryotherapy, retinal vascular disease, uveitis or trauma.
Do I need any tests?
Usually the diagnosis can be made by clinical examination but usually an OCT (optical coherence tomography) scan is performed to confirm the condition and establish how severely it is affecting the retina.
Does it need treatment?
In many patients with early ERM the symptoms of distortion are very mild and the vision remains good so that treatment may not be indicated. This may remain stable for many years such that treatment is never required. However in some patients the ERM thickens and produces more symptoms of distortion and visual loss. This would be an indication for surgery.
How can epiretinal membrane be treated?
Treatment is by surgery. A pars plana vitrectomy is performed: the vitreous jelly is removed, and the epiretinal membrane is very gently peeled away from the surface of the retina. If patients have co-existing cataract this can be removed at the same time.
What happens if my epiretinal membrane is not treated?
If symptoms are very mild and you do not notice distortion, unless in occasional situations, surgery may not be required and things may remain stable. However if the symptoms get worse and the ERM is not removed, the central vision will steadily deteriorate, with increasing distortion and reducing your ability for fine tasks in that eye (ie: read, or recognise faces). The peripheral part of the vision will remain unaffected. Therefore, although the vision will become very blurred in the centre, the eye will never become totally blind. However it is the macula that gives the central, most important part of vision. Therefore we encourage patients to have epiretinal membrane removal if they have significant symptoms.
What are the risks of surgery?
In the vast majority of patients surgery is entirely uncomplicated. 80-90% of patients have good improvement in vision and reduction in distortion. However, occasionally complications can occur associated with vitrectomy. These include early cataract formation, infection, hemorrhage and retinal detachment. Your Consultant Ophthalmologist will discuss with you the risks and benefits of any surgery at your consultation.
How do I make an appointment?
Your Consultant’s secretary will be able to assist you with availability and costs for your chosen consultant. You can find their contact details by clicking on the link below or visiting the Consultants section.
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